Summer is almost here. Let's get FIT!
Posted on May 23 2017
What is your why?
Really think about that.
We all have a different reason to get into shape or stay in shape. It might be that we want to look better in a swimsuit or a pair of shorts. It could be that we can't keep up with the little humans in our lives and would like to be more active. If could be that we want to be healthier to live a longer life.
Whatever you why is, write it down. Read it. Now how are you going to get there?
Maybe its start an exercise routine or simply walk for 30 mins a day. Also eat whole foods and drink a lot of water.
Trendy gadgets such as heart rate monitors might help motivate you to see how active you are or are not and allow you to create goals for yourself. Maybe find a great app that you can download to help track your food and water intake and see what nutrients you are missing or getting.
One thing we know at Sweet Lemon Boutique is that health is important and you are worth the effort it takes to feel good and be healthy.
While you are here, take a look at our Fitbit bands and workout gear!